True self-publishing facts

Publishing Poetry

Poetry, like children's books, is a different challenge. Only certain publishers will consider poetry. On the down side, poetry books seldom make the author any money. The question is this: do you want to make money or do you want to write poetry? Generally, you can't do both. Ouch! but true.

If you write poetry for the sheer love of it, read on.
(Millions of folks love poetry.)

There aren't many sites that will help you to understand the challenge of writing and publishing poetry.

One worthwhile site is Self-Publishing-Poetry.
New oppurtunity: You can now publish your poetry book as an e-book for around $100 and make it available on Amazon's Kindle, Barnes & Noble's Nook, Sonyreader and Ipad (and several other e-book sellers). I recommend either (free layout and %15 of each sale) or (usually $199 on sale and they take 15% of your sales). Both will design a nice ebook cover for $150. I have used Bookbaby and they did a nice job.  (For you grammarians it can be e-book, eBook or ebook.)
Updated December 9, 2024