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*Everything you need to know
about publishing your book.

ABCs of Publishing

This is your launch pad to learn the insider secrets of publishing (secrets vanity publishers don't want you to know).

Take time to read this page. It is an overview of the entire site. 

How it all started:

I birthed JC Publishers in 2007 because I wanted to publish my own books and maintain complete control. I do not currently publish books for others. I do enjoy giving new authors guidance through the publishing process. You can professionally self-publish your book while conforming to modern publishing industry standards and save an average of $500 in the process (without signing a contract). Or, you can go for a traditional (commercial) publishing contract.**
If you are a first-time author, I can show you how to get professionally published without getting ripped off (and have your book printed at the same printer the online publishers use for 40-50% less). Most online publishers do not own their own print facility. They outsource. So can you.
If you want to self-publish, I suggest you start with the Should I Self-Publish? menu.

**If you want to take a stab at being picked up by a traditional publisher, I can show you the steps involved. You will find that info in the GO FOR THE GOLD menu. Finding a traditional publisher is possible even after you self-publish your book.
Bottom line: If you get talked into buying a so-called "Publishing Package," you will pay too much to print your own book and you will max out your credit cards before they get through with you.
If you plan on your own ISBN!
Why is that important? If you don't own the ISBN, you do not own the publishing rights to your book and you will typically pay twice as much as necessary to print your own book. Find details on the ISBN page. Educate yourself. You can save hundreds of dollars while you publish a quality book that meets modern publishing industry standards. 

This Site will help you understand the ABCs of self-publishing. Or, as I mentioned above, you can pursue a book deal with a traditional publisher. Landing a publishing contract is a challenge, but it is possible if you understand the simple steps involved and have rhino skin at least one inch thick. Commercial publishers only publish a small fraction of the manuscripts they accept for review and they typically only accept authors represented by a literary agent. Learn about literary agents and why they are a necessary link in the traditional publishing chain.

Either way, new authors need to know the difference between
vanity publishing, traditional
publishing,  subsidy publishing and self-publishing. 

AGAIN: We don't publish books for authors. We simply offer inexpensive step-by-step guidance through the process, whether you choose self-publishing or traditional publishing. For those who desire to self-publish, I recommend a handful of self-publishing companies I trust to help first-time authors get published without being over-charged for editing, cover design, typesetting, Ingram database registration and barcode (and without signing a contract).

To authors in the UK and Europe: UK authors cannot buy a single ISBN. They must buy a block of ten (£132) at Nielson UK ISBN Agency. Just the act of applying for an ISBN from Nielsen gets UK books listed with and Waterstones online.

New Zealand authors can obtain ISBNs from the National Library of New Zealand.

authors can apply for ISBNs at
*Find a complete list of ISBN agencies for every country around the world from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe at: ISBN Information.
To save time, Google: ISBN Agency (your country).

Start with our AUTHOR HELP pages and learn the simple basics of self-publishing. Discover how easy it is to become a published author. If you feel your book is a potential best seller, you can try to get recognized by a major publisher following the advice in the GO FOR THE GOLD menu.

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You are currently on the ABCs of Publishing page.

Next, answer the question,
Should I Self-publish?


Updated January 1,